Crafting Comprehensive Content Guides with ChatGPT for Diverse Industries and Topics

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Every content creator and content marketing specialist knows each industry has unique needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work.

That’s why at [A] Growth, we create customized content style guides for each of our partners.

Our writers follow specific “rules” – writing style, tone & voice tailored to each brand, maintaining consistency and quality in every piece of content.

Our content guides help define the brand’s voice, understand the target audience, and facilitate the content creation process.

We’ll share how we create these comprehensive content guides for different industries with the help of GPT.

From developing customer personas to crafting a consistent brand voice, we’ll provide a detailed look at our process in this blog post.

What is a Content Guide?

A content guide is a set of rules for creating content that matches a brand’s identity. 

We create them to ensure that every piece of content, whether a blog, social media update, or web copy, has the same tone and style.

A good content guide includes:

  • Brand Values: These are the core principles of the brand. They guide the tone, messaging, and brand personality, ensuring they connect with the audience.
  • Content Style: This is the overall way you write, reflecting the brand’s personality. It covers the words you use, how formal you are, and how sentences are structured.
  • Style Guide: These are the technical details like grammar, punctuation, and formatting. It ensures everything looks and sounds professional.

Using a content guide, writers can create consistent, cohesive content that clearly communicates the brand’s message.

Creating Content Guide Step-by-Step

To illustrate, let’s look at an example of how we used GPT to create a content style guide for a FinTech company.

FinTec, or financial technology, is one of the many industries we work with.

Step 1: General Overview of Industry

General Overview of Industry

We started by asking GPT for a general overview of the FinTech industry.

This initial step helps us gather essential information and set the foundation for a detailed and industry-specific content guide.

Industry drivers

GPT provided insights into FinTech key areas, industry drivers, challenges, etc.

Step 2: Training with Data

Training GPT with Data

Next, we provide a report to train GPT on the specific industry data.

First, we gather relevant industry reports to ensure GPT is well-informed.

This report provides an industry overview from IBISWorld, including key metrics, trends, and challenges. We input the report into GPT, enabling it to learn and understand the industry specifics.

Then, GPT processes this information to identify essential details that we will include in the content guide.

Step 3: Identifying Marketing Needs

GPT Identifying Marketing Needs

Once we have a solid understanding of the industry, we focus on the specific marketing needs relevant to FinTech companies.

Identifying Marketing Needs

Based on our research and insights from GPT, we identify key areas such as content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and more.

This analysis prepares us for the next step: developing detailed customer personas.

Step 4: Creating Customer Personas

The next step in creating a content guide is developing detailed customer personas.

These characters collectively represent our target audience, embodying their traits, behaviors, and motivations.

This step helps us tailor our content to meet our target audience’s precise needs and preferences. Here’s how we approached this for a FinTech company:

creating fintech customer persona

We asked GPT to create a detailed FinTech customer persona. This involves defining various aspects such as demographics, professional background, goals, pain points, and challenges.

details of fintech customer persona

Step 5: Creating Brand Voice and Tone Guidelines

The next step in creating a content guide is establishing a cohesive brand voice.

Every partner has a brand personality – how it communicates with its audience, so, we ask ChatGPT to define it for us.

Creating Brand Voice and Tone Guidelines

Step 6: Creating a Glossary

The final step is to create a FinTech-related glossary so that our writers use those specific terms in the partner’s blogs, articles, and social media posts.

GPT Creating a Glossary

Create Your Content Guide Today

Now you know how we create content guides for our partners.

A well-defined content guide gets everyone involved in content creation to stay on the same page.

Remember, a good content guide is an invaluable tool for any marketing strategy, helping you connect with your audience and achieve your brand’s objectives. 

So, invest time and create content guides by following these steps.


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