Creating Engaging Blog Summary Videos with HeyGen: Tutorial

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How do some brands capture attention and drive sales with their content? 

The secret is video content marketing.

Videos can capture attention quickly, deliver messages effectively, and engage audiences more deeply than text alone. 

As a result, businesses and content creators are increasingly turning to video to communicate their ideas and promote their products or services.

87% of marketers state that video marketing has significantly increased their sales.

But, some business owners or representatives don’t have the time or resources to shoot videos.

That’s where AI video generators like HeyGen step in. 

HeyGen is an innovative tool that leverages AI to simplify video creation.

With HeyGen, you can produce studio-quality videos featuring AI avatars without the need for expensive equipment or advanced editing skills.

This AI video generator streamlines the entire video creation process, allowing you to create engaging videos quickly and efficiently.

In this blog post, we’ll teach you how we use HeyGen to create summary videos for our blog posts. 

Key Features and Benefits

HeyGen offers several features and benefits that make it an excellent choice for video creation.

  • AI Avatars: You can choose from various AI avatars to present your content. This adds a professional look to your videos without needing real actors.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Anyone can create high-quality videos, even without experience, thanks to the simple interface.
  • Customization Options: You can personalize your video clips by adding text, images, and music. HeyGen offers numerous customization options to make your videos unique and engaging.
  • Quick Production: With HeyGen, you can produce videos swiftly, saving you valuable time. This is ideal for busy business owners or representatives who must create videos efficiently.

Why We Use HeyGen for Creating Video Summaries

At Azarian Growth Agency, we use HeyGen to create videos featuring our CEO avatar. 

This AI video generator helps us make short summaries of our blog posts in video format. 

By using our CEO avatar, we add a personal and professional touch to our content.

Video summaries are good for search engines. 

By adding video content to our blog posts and YouTube channel, we also improve our website visibility.

Creating Video Summaries with HeyGen: Step-by-Step Guide

Now, let’s see the steps to create video summaries with HeyGen.

We already registered for the AI video generator and created our profile. So we have access to all the platform’s features and benefits.

Step 1: 

First, we navigate to the HeyGen home screen. This is where the video creation begins.

Go to home HeyGen

Step 2: 

We select the option to “Edit as New.” This allows us to start a new video project using our CEO avatar.

get started with HeyGen

Step 3:

We update the script to reflect the key points of our blog post. This script will be what the avatar says in the video. 

Insert the script HeyGen

Step 4:

We preview the video to ensure everything looks good and the script is correct. We can upload additional video clips or images to improve the summary if needed.

play to update audio HeyGen

Step 5:

Once satisfied with the preview, we submit the video for processing. This step sends our project to the AI video generator to create the final video.

HeyGen video submission

Step 6:

Then, we confirm our submission to ensure the video is processed without issues.

Submit video on HeyGen

Waiting for submission. Once the video is processed, HeyGen notifies us that it is ready. We can now review the final product.

Create videos on HeyGen

It’s getting ready.

video getting ready on HeyGen

Step 7:

Finally, we download the original video. This high-quality video is ready to be shared on our blog, YouTube channel, and other platforms.

final AI video on HeyGen

Create Engaging Content with HeyGen

Here you are; now you know the power of HeyGen, an exceptional AI video generator that makes video creation fun. 

Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, educator, or content creator, HeyGen offers a user-friendly solution for producing captivating video content.

Explore HeyGen to unlock the potential of video marketing, upgrade your brand, and connect with your audience in meaningful ways. 


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