Mastering Growth Hacking: Scaling Strategies, Learning from Failure & Data-Driven Experimentation

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In this podcast episode on brndBuilder Academy Podcast, Hamlet Azarian, CEO and Founder of Azarian Growth Agency, delves into the intricate world of growth hacking with host Kelli F. Kelley.

Hamlet Azarian reveals hidden pitfalls in common growth-focused strategies, emphasizes the importance of an ongoing experimentation mindset, and discusses how even non-technical companies can benefit from this approach. 

Regardless of your company’s technical expertise, this episode offers invaluable insights for all. 

Could your company be the next to unlock unprecedented growth using these pioneering tactics? 

Tune in to uncover the secrets of successful growth techniques! Equip your business with the strategies to not just survive, but thrive in today’s fast-paced market.

Learning from Failure & Data-Driven Experimentation: Key Takeaways

0:48 – Introduction to Azarian Growth Agency

2:15 – What is Growth Hacking

3:56 – Common Mistakes of Implementing Growth-Focused Strategies

6:22 – Growth Experimentation as an Ongoing Process

10:07 – The Importance of Understanding Target Audience & Unique Value Proposition

12:48 – Growth Experimentation for Non-Technical Companies

15: 01 – What is One Practical Growth Experimentation Strategy 

Hamlet Azarian
Hamlet Azarian
Hamlet Azarian
Hi, I’m Hamlet Azarian, a lifelong learner focused on growth. I’ve spent my career growing international B2C/B2B businesses across various industries, specializing in venture-backed startups that range from pre-seed to early-stage (Series A-B). My passion for helping businesses discover their full growth potential led me to become the Founder and CEO of AGA – a data-driven, full-funnel growth agency that has helped raise over $261.9M in funding for some of the most innovative companies in the tech/SaaS space. I have over 20 years of experience designing tailor-made growth engines for businesses, combining creative + analytical methods to deliver proven, repeatable results. Significant growth starts with a growth mindset and is executed through rapid experimentation, always using data to drive the path forward. Over the years, we’ve helped our clients dominate the digital landscape through high-performing, consumer-centric marketing strategies that utilize cutting-edge growth tactics.