Fintech Ad Mastery: 10 Campaigns That Set the Standard 

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Imagine you’re at a restaurant with friends; splitting the bill can be “Trouble.” 

You are concerned about cash, someone forgot their wallet, and the waiter gives the “hurry up” look.  Fintech comes to the rescue! 

Accept it or not, financial technology or Fintech is integrated into our daily lives, a fact showcased by fintech ads that often highlight common apps storing our credit card details, along with payment systems and banking apps that facilitate deposits, withdrawals, and budget reviews at any hour.

The most recent Global FinTech Adoption Index from Ernst & Young reveals that almost two-thirds (64%) of the global population were utilizing fintech apps in 2019, a significant rise from just 16% in 2015.  

The report also notes that three-quarters of consumers had started using services for money transfers and payments. Social media plays the vital role in that.

In our blog post, we will analyze the best fintech marketing campaigns that have set the bar high in the industry. 

1: Wealthsimple’s Content Marketing Campaign

Wealthsimple’s marketing campaigns indeed stand out as exemplary within the fintech industry, particularly for their ability to simplify complex financial concepts and make investment accessible to everyone. 

This Canadian online investment management service has excelled at demystifying the often intimidating world of stocks and retirement savings through a series of innovative, clear, and impactful marketing strategies.

For instance, Wealthsimple Magazine, the digital publication of the fintech firm, explores a variety of international financial issues, ranging from updates on cryptocurrencies to new NFT launches. 

It features an advice segment called “Ask Lizzy,” along with practical, step-by-step guides in a series titled “Finance for Humans.”

Source: WealthSimple

The key element of the marketing strategy is relatability; from the magazine to the newly introduced podcast, all of Wealthsimple’s content is designed to reveal personal stories that highlight the deep human connection people have with money. 

Wealthsimple effectively communicates, “Money is weird!” suggesting, “and we’re here to help you navigate it.

  2: Klarna’s Shopping Revolution

Klarna’s fintech marketing campaign, known for its distinctive approach to the “buy now, pay later” model, has set a high standard within the industry. 

The Swedish-based company has made waves with its visually striking and humorous advertising efforts that perfectly cater to a younger, online-savvy demographic.

One of the most notable examples of Klarna’s fintech marketing campaigns is their “Get What You Love” campaign featuring celebrity Snoop Dogg, who transformed into “Smoooth Dogg” for the advertisements. 

The campaign cleverly leveraged Snoop Dogg’s iconic status and wide appeal to promote Klarna’s smooth payment solutions.

Klarna’s fintech ads cleverly use bold colors and quirky characters to stand out in the crowded digital landscape, making the process of online shopping more fun and engaging. 

Through innovative marketing strategies, Klarna has successfully expanded its market reach and solidified its reputation as a leading player in the fintech business.

3: Square: “Cash App Fridays”

Every Friday, Cash App delighted its users with unexpected cash giveaways, turning ordinary days into exciting opportunities. 

The process was straightforward: users were prompted to engage with the app by conducting transactions or utilizing its features. In doing so, they earn the chance to win surprise cash rewards.

The brilliance of “Cash App Fridays” is in transforming everyday financial activities into a social celebration. 

By introducing an element of surprise, these events make handling money fun and engaging, shifting away from the usual, dull experience associated with digital payments. 

What insights can you gain from this campaign?

  • Gamification for Enhanced Engagement: Explore ways to incorporate gamification into your fintech offerings, making interactions more fun and engaging for users.
  • Community Building through Regular Events: The success of “Cash App Fridays” shows the power of regular, predictable events in creating community. Establishing such routines can foster a connected and loyal user base.
  • Encouraging Shareable Content: Encourage users to share their positive experiences on social media. This not only extends your reach organically but also helps transform users into active promoters of your brand. 

4: Current’s Marketing Efforts

Source: Current

It is not a surprise that many fintech companies subtly or openly present themselves as alternatives to traditional banks, or as innovative banking solutions attempting to target audience accordingly. 

In early 2021, Current, a mobile banking application, drew a clever analogy between the ease of transferring funds and the best way to move New Yorkers around. 

For a long time, Current’s campaign “What Do You Think We Are A Bank?” was prominently displayed throughout subway cars, effectively critiquing traditional banking practices. 

One ad sarcastically stated, “Banks: we’re here for you,” followed by, “Also banks: you owe us money for running out of money.”  

While educating consumers about fintech industries can be a challenging task, persuading them that traditional banks may not always prioritize their interests tends to be more straightforward. 

Current’s marketing efforts cleverly spotlighted the most aggravating aspects of banking using eco-friendly wording, sensitivity to critical issues, and a good amount of humor and criticism.

5: SoFi: “Great Loans for Great People”

SoFi, also known as Social Finance, established a distinctive presence in the fintech sector with its innovative “Great Loans for Great People” campaign.” 

This approach differed from traditional financial institutions that typically focus on rates and figures. Instead, SoFi emphasized the human aspect by spotlighting real stories of real people, showcasing some of the best examples of fintech marketing tactics.

By prioritizing customer experiences in their campaign, SoFi connected on a deeper level with its target audience. 

The company featured testimonials from individuals who had positively transformed their lives through SoFi’s services. 

These stories did more than merely highlight financial transactions; they illustrated life-changing moments facilitated by SoFi. 

This strategy enhanced the appeal of their financial products and effectively utilized social media platforms and influencer marketing to amplify their message, creating a powerful and relatable brand narrative that engaged their target audience.

6: TransferWise: “Nothing To Hide”

The “Nothing To Hide” campaign effectively tackled a major issue within the financial sector—hidden fees—using targeted fintech marketing strategies. 

TransferWise addressed the skepticism and dissatisfaction of the target audience with traditional banks and international transfers through their fintech ads

In response, their fintech marketing campaigns conveyed a transparent message: no hidden fees, no secrets.

Leveraging influencer marketing, a series of advertisements, and social media posts TransferWise underscored its commitment to transparency in financial transactions. 

What Are the Secrets of Success? 

  • Building Trust Through Transparency: TransferWise positioned itself as a reliable alternative to conventional banks by openly addressing a well-known issue in its fintech marketing campaigns. 

Users value transparency, and when a company is forthright about its practices, it forges a stronger and more genuine connection with its target audience.

  • Addressing Customer Pain Points: Understanding that its users despised hidden fees, TransferWise’s “Nothing To Hide” campaign directly confronted this frustration. 

When devising your fintech marketing strategies, it’s crucial to identify the challenges faced by your target audience and tailor your messaging to demonstrate how your services offer effective solutions.

  • Emphasizing Simplicity: The message of the campaign was uncomplicated —”Nothing to Hide.” This approach avoided the need for complex explanations or elaborate narratives. 

By clearly communicating your value proposition simply and directly, you ensure that your audience can easily understand and remember your message, a vital aspect of effective fintech marketing strategies.

7: Binance: one of the best video campaigns

Source: Binance

When you consider NFTs, you might envision oddly shaped animal images or unexciting characters. However, Binance is set to shift this perception. 

By partnering with soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo, Binance leveraged influencer marketing to transform NFTs from niche to noteworthy. 

This strategic use of a high-profile influencer helps make their fintech ads more appealing and effective, significantly boosting engagement and interest in their NFT offerings. 

How to Localize Binance’s Marketing Approach? 

While Binance has the resources to partner with a global icon like Cristiano Ronaldo, smaller fintechs can still effectively use celebrity marketing within their budgets. Here’s how to achieve impactful results without overspending:

  • Micro-influencers: Focus on social media influencers with smaller yet highly engaged audiences that match your target demographic. Collaborate with them on product reviews, tutorials, or giveaways. Incorporate these partnerships into your video ads and ad campaigns to extend the reach and enhance your marketing messages through platforms like Google Ads.
  • Local Endorsements: Consider partnerships with local celebrities or sports figures who resonate with your community. These localized endorsements can forge stronger connections with potential customers and be featured in targeted ad campaigns.
  • Industry Experts: Collaborate with thought leaders or well-regarded professionals within the fintech sector. Their endorsement can lend significant credibility to your brand and should be highlighted in your marketing strategies, including video ads and Google Ads.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Engage a well-known personality to host a contest or giveaway on social media. This approach not only boosts excitement but also helps attract a broader audience, enhancing both your and the celebrity’s follower base through dynamic ad campaigns.

8: The Video Ad Campaign of Plum

Plum, a fintech company known for its innovative approach to helping people manage their finances through AI-driven technology, has launched several effective marketing campaigns to engage its user base and attract new customers. 

One of the successful campaigns was Plum’s social media video ad campaign.  

Plum launched a dynamic social media marketing campaign that included Facebook video ads showcasing everyday people discussing how Plum has positively impacted their finances. 

This is an exemplary case of great marketing campaigns that effectively utilize fintech ads without necessitating a large budget.

How to Target Fintech Facebook Ads Using Plum’s Strategy?

Here’s how you can tailor this approach to your needs:

  • Mobile-First Mindset: Recognize that the majority of your audience accesses content via mobile devices. Design your video ads to suit mobile viewing, focusing on appropriate formats and concise lengths. Content Marketing services can help during the process.
  • Embrace Authenticity: Incorporate genuine testimonials from real users. Authentic user stories often resonate more with the audience than scripted content, making your fintech ads more relatable and impactful.
  • Video Captions are Essential: Many viewers watch videos without sound, so include clear captions to effectively communicate your message. This ensures that your ad campaigns can be understood regardless of audio settings.
  • Visual Storytelling: Use relevant visuals, such as appropriate backgrounds or props, in your video segments. These should complement your spoken content, providing context and enhancing the message even when viewed without sound.
  • Clear Calls to Action (CTAs): Ensure each video ad has a direct and strong call to action. This could involve prompting viewers to download your app, visit your website, or register for a free trial. In this case, it will be better to analyze the market and then apply to the method. Clear CTAs are crucial in guiding potential customers on what steps to take next, optimizing conversion rates for your ad campaigns.

9: Revolut- “Stay in Control of Your Finances” 

Revolut, a significant player in the fintech industry, launched an impactful campaign for its digital banking app that emphasized the comprehensive control users gain over their finances through its innovative features. 

This campaign, rich in fintech ads, leveraged Google Ads to target a global audience and highlighted functionalities such as instant spending notifications, budgeting tools, and currency exchange options.

Key Features:

  • Feature Highlight: The campaign used clear, concise messaging to highlight essential functionalities like budgeting and savings, currency exchange, and cryptocurrency investments. These fintech ads were designed to attract users looking for robust financial tools within one platform.
  • Interactive Elements: Revolut utilized interactive elements in their Google Ads, demonstrating the app’s features in real-time. This included showing potential users how they could set spending limits or receive instant alerts, making the ads more engaging and informative.
  • Global Reach: Understanding the diverse needs of users worldwide, the campaign was rolled out in multiple languages across different countries. This strategic move not only addressed local financial needs but also showcased Revolut’s capabilities as a global banking solution, effectively expanding its reach within the fintech industry.

10: Robinhood – “We Are All Investors”

Robinhood, the stock trading and investing app, launched its “We Are All Investors” campaign around the time of their Super Bowl commercial in 2021. 

The uniqueness of Robinhood’s “We Are All Investors” campaign lies in its strategic approach to democratizing financial markets and its effective use of inclusive messaging. 

  1. Inclusive Messaging and Brand Positioning: Robinhood’s campaign was built around the core principle that the financial markets should be accessible to everyone—not just the affluent or those with financial expertise. This message was powerfully conveyed through the tagline “We Are All Investors,” which resonates with a broad audience by emphasizing that anyone can invest, regardless of their economic status or background knowledge.
  2. Integration with Major Cultural Events: The campaign was launched during the Super Bowl, one of the most-watched television events in the United States. 

This timing ensured maximum exposure and positioned Robinhood not just as a financial platform but as a mainstream brand that plays a significant role in popular culture.

  1. Utilization of Diverse Real People and Stories: Unlike traditional financial advertising, which often relies on professional actors or generic scenarios, Robinhood featured real users from diverse demographics. 

This approach highlighted authentic stories of how everyday people use Robinhood to achieve their financial goals, enhancing relatability and trust.

  1. Response to Societal Shifts: The campaign came at a time when interest in retail investing was surging, partly due to the pandemic and the rise of “meme stocks.” 

By launching this campaign, Robinhood tapped into a cultural moment where more people were considering investments as part of their financial strategy, further emphasizing the app’s relevance. 

Partner with a Fintech Marketing Firm Such as [A] Growth

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Our professional team turns the obstacles into opportunities by developing groundbreaking fintech solutions. 

Focus on what you do best – developing innovative fintech solutions. 

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With [A] Growth Agency as your partner, you’ll get personalized strategies, cutting-edge tools, and marketing muscle that propels your business forward.

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